Guide to Protecting Your Discord Server from Nukes and Raids

In the world of online communication, Discord stands out as a premier platform for gamers, communities, and even businesses to gather and interact. However, as with any popular service, it is a target for malicious activities, one of which is server “nuking”. This involves an attacker gaining administrative access and wreaking havoc, such as deleting channels, banning users, and disrupting the server’s normal operations. In this detailed guide, we will walk you through the steps to secure your Discord server against such threats, ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all members.

Understanding Discord Server Nukes

A “nuke” in Discord terminology refers to severe disruptive actions taken by malicious individuals once they infiltrate a server. This can include mass deletions of channels, roles, and kicking or banning all members. Such actions can devastate a community, leading to loss of data and member trust.

Causes of Server Nukes:

  1. Compromised Admin Accounts: Often, nukes happen because an admin’s account is compromised.
  2. Inadequate Permissions Settings: Overly permissive settings can allow almost any member to escalate their privileges.
  3. Malicious Bots or API Abuse: Bots added to a server can sometimes have hidden malicious functions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Secure Your Discord Server

Securing a Discord server requires a multifaceted approach. Follow these essential steps to protect your community from unwanted disruptions.

1. Strengthen Your Authentication

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Require 2FA not just for your account, but for anyone with administrative powers. This adds an additional layer of security beyond the password.
  • Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Ensure that all admins use complex passwords that are unique to their Discord account.

2. Manage Roles and Permissions Carefully

  • Limit Permissions: Only grant permissions that are absolutely necessary for roles. For example, not every role needs the ability to delete channels or ban members.
  • Audit Roles Regularly: Periodically review roles and permissions to ensure they are still in alignment with users’ current responsibilities and the server’s needs.

3. Be Cautious with Bots

  • Verify Bot Integrity: Only add bots from reputable sources or those verified by Discord. Check reviews and the bot’s history before adding it to your server.
  • Restrict Bot Permissions: Give bots only the permissions they absolutely need to function and no more.

4. Use Channel and Server Backups

  • Implement Backups: While Discord does not natively support server backups, consider documenting your server setup and using third-party tools that can help mimic a backup by saving your server’s structure and critical data.
  • Regular Updates: Keep a regular schedule of updates to your backup documentation, especially after making significant changes to the server setup.

5. Educate Your Community

  • Regularly Update Your Members: Inform your members about security practices and encourage them to report suspicious activities.
  • Create a Reporting System: Establish a clear method for members to report security concerns or suspicious behavior.

6. Monitor Server Activity

  • Audit Logs: Regularly check server audit logs for any unusual activities. Logs can help you track changes made in the server and identify potential security breaches.
  • Use Security Bots: Consider using bots designed to enhance security by monitoring for suspicious activities and alerting admins.

7. Develop an Incident Response Plan

  • Prepare for the Worst: Have a clear plan in case your server is compromised. This should include steps to regain control, assess damage, and communicate with your community.
  • Practice the Plan: Periodically run through the response plan to ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities in the event of an attack.

8. Dedicated Ownership Account

An effective and often overlooked method to protect your Discord server is through the use of a dedicated ownership account. This strategy involves creating an account with full administrative rights and then securing it with the highest available security measures. This account should only be used for critical administrative functions and should have the following characteristics:

How to Set Up and Secure a Dedicated Ownership Account:

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This is non-negotiable for your dedicated ownership account. 2FA adds a crucial layer of security by requiring a second form of verification in addition to the password.
  • Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Ensure the password for this account is complex, unique, and different from those used on other platforms or services.
  • Limit Login Activity: Do not use this account for regular server activity. The primary purpose of this account should be for administrative oversight and critical actions only.
  • Secure Device Management: Preferably, access this account only from a secure device. A mobile phone, which is generally used less frequently for risky downloads and is more often on your person, can be a safer option compared to a PC that might be used for downloading and running various files.

Practices for Using the Dedicated Ownership Account:

  • Regular Device and Security Checks: Regularly update the device’s security software and run scans. Ensure that the mobile device has encryption enabled and a secure lock screen.
  • Minimal Usage: Use this account only when absolutely necessary. For daily activities and less critical tasks, use another account with more limited permissions.
  • Education on Safe Downloads: If you must download files on your PC, especially those that are not from fully trusted sources, always use a sandbox environment. This isolates the file, preventing it from interacting with the main system and potentially harboring malware.

Delegating Other Permissions:

  • Set Role Permissions Wisely: Your main admin account should hold the power to kick or ban users, manage roles, and delete channels. Secondary accounts used on less secure devices should have restricted permissions, such as managing messages or moderating discussions, without the ability to make irreversible changes to the server structure.
  • Clear Hierarchy and Role Management: Clearly define which roles have what permissions and ensure that everyone understands the limitations and responsibilities of their assigned roles.

By following these guidelines, you can greatly enhance the security of your Discord server. The use of a dedicated ownership account minimizes the risk of accidental exposure to security threats and creates a robust barrier against potential server nukes. Remember, the key to security is not just the technology you use, but how you use it. Always remain vigilant and prepared to adapt to new security challenges.

9. Education on Safe Downloads: Using a Sandbox Environment

An often overlooked but critical aspect of maintaining online security is the safe handling of downloads, especially on platforms like Discord where file sharing is common. To mitigate risks associated with downloading files, particularly from untrusted sources, it’s essential to use a sandbox environment. Here’s a more detailed look at why and how you should implement this practice.

Why Use a Sandbox Environment?

A sandbox is a virtual space that mimics the end-user operating environment but remains completely isolated from the main operating system. This concept is crucial for several reasons:

  • Risk Containment: Any file run within a sandbox cannot affect the main system. This means if the file turns out to be malicious, the malware is confined to the sandbox, preventing damage to your system’s core functionalities.
  • Safe Testing: Sandboxes provide a safe space to observe the behavior of a file without the risk of an actual infection. This is particularly useful for system administrators and security professionals who need to test applications.
  • Versatility and Control: Modern sandboxes allow you to configure the level of interaction a file can have with your system. For example, you can restrict network access, limit the file’s visibility of system data, or control its access to the clipboard.


Securing a Discord server is an ongoing process that requires diligence, awareness, and a proactive approach to security. By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of your server being nuked and ensure that your community remains a safe and welcoming space for all members.

Final Thoughts

It’s crucial to stay updated with the latest security trends and updates from Discord. Engage with community forums and security blogs to keep abreast of new threats and protection strategies. Remember, the safety of your Discord server not only protects its current members but also enhances its reputation and growth over time.

For more information on managing and securing online communities, feel free to explore additional resources and guides. Your vigilance is your best defense against threats in the digital world.

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